Thursday, August 24, 2006

So full of it!

We're all so full of ourselves, we're bursting at the seams. We think about ourselves all the time, we worry about ourselves all the time, we write meaningless unbelievably sissy poems about ourselves and our feelings and our lovers who we have never met in this life and hope to meet when the next turn comes around (when i say 'we', i mean 'you' ofcourse. I'm just too polite to be rude). When will mankind be rid of sissiness? I believe sissiness is a result of overly thinking about oneself and about the way 'I am'.
'I am like that, Accept me as i am'.
A distorted image of oneself, either in a good way or a bad way (like Sawyer in 'Lost') is the core reason for mankind to move away from their true nature.
I just cant believe how full of it we are! (Is the sentence right?)Is it the primordial fear of annihilation that keeps us doing and thinking what we do? I don't just mean annihilation of the body, more so of the 'ego', the small mind, the devil inside us which always wants to be right, no matter what.
The first step towards realizing yourself is understanding you are like a speck of dust caught by the early morning sun peeping through the shades into your bedroom(or any other room for that matter). 100 years from now you will be DEAD and no soul will remember you ever walked the planet. Thats how insignificant you are ( Please note we are speaking about you and not me. )
Going slightly off the track,another question that has been hounding me for some days now, how does my mind know that it has to be confined to this body? hmmm... The mystery deepens....


neermathalam said...

Agreed your honor.. But when we are in the path of self actualization(read self doubt) these all questions pops up...and we answer it in the most positive(read fantastic..)manmer so that we can mollycoddle our bloated egos..may it be thru sissy poems.
may it be through offering solutions to all those problems that exist only in our mind.
But that is the way we human beings are isnt it not so ???(generalisation which i hate to amke..;))

Krishnan said...

@neermathalam - yes.u r right. but how do we human beings get out of the conditioning of the mind ? my mind wont let me :-)

Apoorv Gawde said...

lol what are you on??

Krishnan said...

@apoorv - Benadryl :-)

pophabhi said...

You are one of the guys who planted different thoughts on my mind. You always keep doing it. You brat :).
p.s--> that mention of 'Talking about you, not me' was well placed...Good one da!

supernova said...


Anu said...

Actually, who ever told you that your mind was confined to your body??