I'd rather be with people i love than anywhere else in the world.
I always thought that. That's exactly why i didn't want to travel.Id give anything in the world for being back with my family and friends. Id give my right hand to see Rachu right now.
Anyways that's life.
Accept it and move on.
I sound as if i were in a disaster movie. Well..nope. Im just in knutsford in the UK. Its a small little place. It has all of 2 streets and one Rolls Royce showroom. And it never stops raining. Its like standing under the shower in Madhu Chettan's place. It isn't strong enough to drench you, but if you stand under it long enough the water will reach all parts of your body.
I've said more Thank Yous after landing in the UK than i have in the last 26 years of my life. Its like they're absolutely infatuated with the word "Thank You". The guy who serves your dinner at the hotel says "Thank You" when he you enter the hotel, order food, drink water ,eat dinner, cough or pick your nose. Since he says it, i feel compelled to say the same when he picks his nose.
Im listening to Radio Dum Dum now. That's a malayalam radio station. Never listened to it while i was in India :-)
Anyways off for now. My wifey should be here soon. Really looking forward to see her here.
Well pip pip.
@sach - ya right. rub it in dude.
Dai - Spot On! The same reason for me tearing off my visa :). Its always far far better to be back in the place with the small crowd who likes you unconditionally (well...almost! :) )
U are so right :) I have always held home is wheree the heart is and nothin else matters.....my stint in the heart of London does not seem to have changed that much....missing the inner circle already
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